Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Make it bigger!

I just got this message on skype:
[5:39:53 PM] viagrow: (flex) (y) (handshake) ViaGrow - The Worlds Best Male Enhancement!!!
Fast Acting! Works within 20 minutes!
Bigger, Harder, Longer lasting Erections!
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Enlarges you penis to max length & girth!

ViaGrow is Perfect for ALL ages!!!
(flex) (flex) (flex) (flex) (flex) (flex)

ED Pill Store Corporation LLC

bots for the win

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dear Congress

Pass Health Care reform.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Here is my favorite Christmas Song:

Selected lyric:
Father Christmas, give us some money
We'll beat you up if you make us annoyed
Father Christmas, give us some money
Don't mess around with those silly toys

But give my daddy a job 'cause he needs one
He's got lots of mouths to feed
But if you've got one, I'll have a machine gun
So I can scare all the kids down the street


Jenny does not like the song Reba.

Clearly, this song is awesome and she is wrong. I'm not, however, sure if this is sufficient cause to terminate our relationship. I'm willing to listen to anyone's input. I'll admit, Jenny is pretty awesome. If her taste in music is that bad, though, I don't know if this relationship is sustainable.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

letters from important people

Last week, I saw a piece on Ezra Klein's blog about how awesome Mark Warner is and how he proposed a set of amendments controlling extensive cost controls. I emailed him to say how much I liked them.

Then on Saturday, I saw a commercial about how Jim Webb "stood tall with John McCain on his amendment to remove the cuts to Medicare from the legislation." We REALLY, REALLY, need to cut Medicare. There is one program, Medicare advantage, which allows Seniors to use Government dollars to purchase private health plans. I think it was one of dubya's free market ideas. Guess what costs more and gets worse results than regular Medicare? Medicare Advantage. The current legislation would cut it. The insurance companies hate that. They love to sell the government insurance plans that are less effective than what the government does on it's own. That's a good thing. It doesn't work. And that's what we want, right? Government that works for less money? Sounds good to me. So I wrote Jim Webb and told him that I thought that he was a fucking idiot for voting for John McCain (side note: When he was running for President, anyone remember what John McCain wanted to do with Health Care?? Oh yeah. Try to save money by cutting waste, fraud, and abuse out of Medicare. I'm glad he is consistent).

Today, they both emailed me back. My brain is fried from exams, but if anyone wants to read them and tell me what they say, that would be awesome. I read enough to see that they are form letters that talk about how important it is to reform health care, but we really need to do it the right way so that America doesn't go bankrupt. Thank you, Senator, for not wanting our country to fail. That's important to know.

So here is Jim Webb, the Senior Senator from Virginia

Mr. Lahaye, Mike
Dear Mr. Lahaye:
Knowing of your interest in the ongoing debate in Congress over health care reform, I wanted to update you on a number of votes and positions that I have taken during the process.
Together with 60 of my colleagues, I voted in favor of proceeding to debate the proposed health care reform legislation. I have yet to decide whether I will support final passage of the bill.
I have stated on several occasions my concerns that the Obama administration should have begun the health care process with a clear, detailed proposal, from which legislation could then be put into place. Instead, the legislation now before the Congress is the product of five separate congressional committees, three in the House and two in the Senate. I and my staff have carefully worked through thousands of pages of sometimes contradictory information, and have done our best to bring focus to the debate and clarity to any final product.
Our country needs health care reform. While a strong percentage of Americans are satisfied with their health care, the system is not working for millions of others. Spiraling costs for health care also have placed our biggest industries at a severe competitive disadvantage worldwide, and have become unsustainable for many small businesses.
But true reform must be done in an effective and responsible fashion, without creating a cumbersome, overly-bureaucratic system. The bottom line should be to achieve a more cost-effective health care system that increases accessibility, affordability, and quality of care, and which does not burden our economy along the way.
The process also requires openness, so that the American people understand exactly what is being debated. At the start of this debate I was one of eight Senators who called on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to post the text and complete budget scores of the health care bill on a public website for review at least 72 hours prior to both the first vote and final passage. This request was agreed to, affording proper transparency in the process.
Over the past few weeks, I have taken a number of difficult votes. As with every other issue since I came to the Senate I have voted my conscience throughout this process. I have broken with my party six times, including four votes to send the current legislation back to committee for a more thorough review. I voted five times against proposed cuts to Medicare due to my concerns about taking half a trillion dollars out of that system at a time when the pool for Medicare is about to expand with the retirement of those in the Baby Boom generation. I am a long-time supporter of Medicare Advantage programs which have, in my view, improved services in rural areas of Virginia, and I did not want to see cuts to benefits or services.
On the issue of abortion, I studied the bill closely to ensure that no taxpayer dollars will be used to fund abortions. I am convinced that this legislation strictly adheres to the requirements of the Hyde Amendment. It also includes clear conscience provisions for providers and consumers who elect to reject a plan that offers such coverage.
Since drug prices in the U.S. have risen dramatically in recent years�a 9% jump in 2009 alone�I have cosponsored an amendment to lower prescription drug costs. The measure would allow Americans to safely import lower-priced, Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs from other approved countries, and save the federal government nearly $20 billion over the next ten years.
In summary, I have been working actively to improve the health care reform bill for the good of our country and without bowing to party politics. As we continue to debate the bill and amend it, I remain hopeful that the Senate can reach consensus on fair and effective health care legislation. Whether this is so will determine my vote on final passage.
As the Senate continues to debate health care reform, please be assured that your views will be very helpful to me and my staff. I hope that you will continue to share your thoughts with us in the years ahead.
Thank you again for your interest in this important matter.
Jim Webb
United States Senator

And here is Mark Warner, the much more impressive Junior Senator from Virginia:

Dear Mr. LaHaye,

Thank you for contacting me about reforming our nation's health care system. I appreciate hearing from you on such an important issue. Over the past few months, I have traveled around Virginia to hear from people all over the Commonwealth on the issue of health care. Since June, my office has been contacted over 200,000 times by constituents on both sides of the debate. Hearing from constituents is a vital part of my job as a United States Senator and I hope you will continue to share your opinions with me as the health care debate takes shape.

A fundamental principle that must guide us through this debate is the fact that our current health care system is financially unsustainable. While many are concerned about our federal deficit, most do not realize that the primary cause of our deficit is the increasing per-person costs of Medicare and Medicaid; by 2017, Medicare will be insolvent. Additionally, American business is weakened by the current costs of health care. Per capita health care costs in the United States are double that of virtually every other developed nation in the world, leaving American business at a disadvantage and unable to compete in a global economy. American families also suffer from the rising costs of health care: within the next decade, premiums will consume 40 percent of an average American family's income. To do nothing about the current state of our health care system would mean exploding our national debt, hobbling American business and crippling family budgets.

Although I do not support a government-run single-payer health care system, I believe we need comprehensive reform to achieve a competitive, cost-effective, and efficient system. This effort should be primarily focused on ensuring that all Americans can get adequate health coverage, and the coverage must be cost-effective and based upon data-driven medical standards. We must ensure that competition remains among health care providers because it is precisely that competition that drives innovation and cost reduction in the industry.

The health care reform debate in the Senate is now in full swing and I continue to work with my fellow Senators to make improvements to the bill. Recently I joined 12 of my freshmen colleagues to introduce a package of amendments that would broaden efforts to encourage innovation and lower costs for consumers across the health care system.

While the health care bill now being considered in the Senate makes great strides to begin fixing a fundamentally broken system, our amendments take these improvements one step further. Our proposal strengthens the current bill in three significant ways: it establishes public-private arrangements to better synchronize changes across medicine, with an eye towards preventing cost-shifting to others; it eliminates red tape and fraud, which drives up costs; and it compels Medicare to become a leader in overall health reform by speeding the move toward a higher-value, lower-cost model for the future. Attached is a more detailed summary of the package.

I have also been contacted by some Virginians about the vote last week on Amendment 2962. This amendment would have prohibited any health plan participating in the insurance exchange that covers an individual who receives a federal subsidy from covering abortion. I voted to table the amendment because the current health care bill already upholds federal law, which states that no federal funds may be used for abortion unless the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest, or where the life of the mother is in danger. With respect to abortion generally, I respect advocates on both sides of the abortion debate and understand that positions on the issue come from deep-rooted moral, religious and political values that, for many, cannot be compromised. It is critical that we as a nation continue to have a meaningful dialogue about an issue we all care about deeply.

I encourage you to visit my website,, for additional information. I have posted the complete text of the bill, as well as the CBO cost estimate. Unfortunately the health care debate has resulted in a lot of myths and misinformation about the various bills being considered. Nonpartisan websites such as or can be helpful in explaining specific provisions and clearing up confusion about this complex issue.

Thanks again for contacting me. As we move forward, I will continue to seek out the advice and opinions of all Virginians in order to help shape an improved health care system that will be in all of our best interests.

United States Senator

I'm tired of hating Joe Lieberman

so here is the funnest song ever. Yes. The funnest.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Once again, from the brilliant mind of Avi

"I decided that people aren't allowed to be bisexual. You can either like boys or like girls. But you can't like both, that's greedy."

In other news, I still hate Joe Lieberman

Does anyone else...

...find it interesting that Bart Stupak and Ben Nelson are willing to hold up a vote on Health Care reform that would save lives based on "pro-life" principles????

I hate politics.

Joe Lieberman...

...might be the worst person ever. Scum bag.

If you like funny people making fun of a man who thinks his ego is more important than people having affordable Health Care and the United States not going bankrupt, then you should read this

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Important Things

"I don't care who writes a nation's laws -- or crafts its advanced treatises -- if I can write its economics textbooks."
-Paul Samuelson, who died today at 94.

He was important, according to Meghan McCardle.

I believe I have a new favorite quote on facebook

they ain't no friends of mine

Avi and Prudvi just knocked on my door

Them: Oh. Are you guys studying?
Tyler and me: kind of...
Avi: So, would this be a bad time to do the safety dance?
Me: There is NEVER a bad time to do the safety dance.

and so it began...

Dear, Arriana

dear huffington post:
I don't want to connect my facebook to your website
I just want to read shit. Please, stop asking me EVERY SINGLE TIME I GET ON YOUR WEBSITE.

Love, Mike

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

25 meeeeleeeeon dollars

Ezra Klein pwns the deficit hawks that forced a health care compromise:

According to the Congressional Budget Office, even the weak public option would have saved $25 billion over 10 years. As part of the compromise, shouldn't the moderates who wanted that removed from the bill have to come up with the revenue to replace it? If not, why not? I've been hearing this gripe from liberal offices lately, and Russ Feingold makes the point publicly today, and it seems pretty spot-on.

In an unrelated note, I've started saying pwned more. I kind of feel like a n00b.


[Afghan President Hamid Karzai] said it will be at least 15 years before his government can bankroll a security force strong enough to protect the country from the threat of insurgency.

It's the wolfman's brother-er, the wolfman's brother!

I guess that would be Taylor Lautner's kin???

Or the dude that played Lupin.

Or Will Arnett. (10 points to whoever gets that one)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

friendship, ctd.

Avi to Prudvi: I think we're gay right now because we are wearing the same shirt.

Why are they all pretending to be gay?

Love is a right

Chris is in New Jersey fighting for equality. This was said by someone on the floor of the state senate, and on his blog:

I want you to come to my house — I’m a good hostess; I’ll bake you cookies — and I want you to meet my three sons and wish my first son a happy marriage, that he meets a nice woman, and then I want you meet my second son and also wish him a happy marriage when he finds the right woman, and then I want you to look at my third son and tell him he can’t get married. I want you to tell him that he’s not good enough, that he’s a second class citizen. I’d rather you come to my house than just talk privately after this — when you’re done with this testimony here and you talk together, I don’t want you to think about each other: I want you to think about telling a gay child that he’s not worth it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

New Media

There is no way to get data like this from a Newspaper

The blog Zero Geography has created a heatmap illustrating the total number of Wikipedia articles tagged to each nation that reveals surprising facts about the content, and oversight, of the online encyclopedia.

In building the map, the creator discovered that there are more articles about imaginary places, like "Middle Earth." than numerous countries in Africa, which on the whole are poorly represented on Wikipedia.

View the maps here

Even the Losers

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Avi: I don't think that either of you guys are gay. I'm just saying that we're one eight of the way through college, and the gay level is increasing exponentially.
Tyler: no, I think it's logarithmic cause it's leveling off
Avi: No, it's that other one like this (makes S shape)
Ben: Yeah, what is that we used it in environmental
Mike: Oh Logistic!
Avi: Yeah! but anyway, you guys are going to be giving each other blow jobs before college ends
Prudvi: I would do him, but I will not suck Ben's dick.

God Bless America?

(hattip: Sully)

"If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head"


So Ashton and Demi decided to flirt with twitpics, ending with a race to the bedroom.

I think stupid people somewhere are upset about it.

The most shocking thing to me is that there is a celebrity couple that seems to actually publicly like each other. I think that that's awesome, even if she's significantly older than he is.

I don't know all that much about the guy, but from the little that I do know he's someone who embraces his celebrity, uses it to have fun instead of just trying to maintain his privacy, and shows a decent level of realness. I'm sure it works well for him too. Because he lets the world in to his private life, we don't have to look so hard to find it. Good for him.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Frosty watches porn???

This is amazing.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


My mom said that I need to get a girl friend.
Any volunteers?

I should probably just try and find one of those black girls I heard Mick Jagger sing about. I heard they were pretty fun...

(too much? Yeah. Probably.)

Stay Positive

New face of the GOP

Zombie Reagan Raised From Grave To Lead GOP

Thank you, Sully

Monday, November 30, 2009

CBO Report on Premiums

Ezra Klein reads a new CBO report, so we don't have to.

But the increase is moderated by two other policy changes. First, the new rules governing the insurance market are expected to make the market more efficient, lowering prices by 7 to 10 percent. Second, the individual mandate, alongside the subsidies and the increased ease of purchasing insurance, is expected to bring in healthier folks, which should save another 7 to 10 percent. Add it all together and we're looking at a 10 to 12 percent increase in premiums for insurance that's about 30 percent better than what people are getting now. It's a steal. And all this is before we get to subsidies.


Sullivan on Obama's choices in Afghanistan

You want empire? Then say so and get on with it - with far more forces, and massive cuts in domestic spending to rebuild thankless Muslim population centers thousands of miles from home for decades into the future.
You do not want empire? Then leave.
Those are the presidential level choices.

I'm not going to pretend to know what Obama needs to do in those countries. That said, the United States is broke. If this shit is still a nation building experiment and not anti-terrorism, if the United States can get out without risking the safety of our own country, I'd like to get out.

Please, remember Mr. President, that Al-Queda is almost dead. Remember that we have not been able to install a stable responsible government in either country in the 8 and 6 years that we have been there. And remember that 16% of Americans are unemployed or underemployed, your Universal health care bill leaves 10 Million uninsured, deficits are rising, and our troops are tired.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pardon me?

Well, I guess Mike Huckabee's Political Career is over...

It's unfortunate. He was far more sane than Palin, and they share a constituency. This probably puts her that much closer to the Republican Nomination, meaning that we will have a circus instead of an election in 2012.

Common Sense for Canada

Palin's handlers tried to help her by ushering Walsh out of the Borders, but Palin could not be deterred. When Palin left the signing, Walsh caught up with her in the parking lot, where Palin suggested that Canada should get rid of its public health care system. "Keep the faith" Palin said, "because common sense conservatism can be plugged in there in Canada too. In fact, Canada needs to reform its health care system and let the private sector take over some of what the government has absorbed."

From Huff Po

Friday, November 27, 2009

Wrote this a while ago...

...but I haven't posted in three days and don't have much else

Solomon to Harrison

The Beatles said that there’s nothing you
can do that can’t be done
But really they stole that from Solomon
Just because they said that the sun was coming
Doesn’t mean that it had never come

like? dislike? No one in my workshop group got it, but they are also pretty dumb.
My professor liked it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Freaks and Geeks.

I borrowed Freaks and Geeks from Chris yesterday and finished the entire 18 episode series around 4:30 today. It was on in 99-00, set in 1980 Detroit Suburb, and supposed to be about "High School for the rest of us."
Freaks and Geeks failed. It was a great show with some awesome characters and good writing. However, it didn’t accurately display high school, at least as I knew it, because it couldn’t. At times, it got very close. However, it was doomed to start. High School is a case where art cannot capture life.
The problem with talking about high school, especially through art, is that art cannot talk about monotony and continuity and routine. Art is wonderful at telling stories and portraying events. High School, however, is not defined by the events, the things done once. High School doesn’t suck because of the Saturday nights when you do things. It sucks because of the nights when you sit at home doing nothing. It’s not the one time you got beat up that sucks. It’s the next time you think you saw anyone that witnessed it – or worse, the guy who beat you up. High School doesn’t suck because of the time a girl brushed you off. It sucks because for the next four years, every time you see that girl you will be carrying that rejection around with you.
We so often see depictions of the classic scenes of high school – prom, Friday night football, parties, failing a test. None of that captures high school. Of course I struggled to find a date to prom. It was tough to ask a girl out. But it was also hard for me to walk up to a girl and talk to her on a Tuesday between fourth and fifth period. I went to a lot of football and basketball games, but I was on the wrestling team, and that was what mattered. No one gave a shit about the wrestling team, but they still knew I was on it and that we sucked and I still got crap for that. And so the awfulness that was being on a crappy wrestling team cannot be summed up by one match, by one practice, by one boring ride home where no one could celebrate. Wrestling was summed up by spending two hours a day for 3 months a year losing, and everyone knowing that I was losing, no one caring that much about it, but me feeling really bad.
Failing a test sucks, but it isn’t the worst thing. The worst thing is getting 6 B- ‘s when you know you can get A’s. The worst thing is that you aren’t allowed to feel bad about B’s because you know that somewhere there is a kid that is getting C’s and D’s that would kill to get your 83, but you go home and your parents are wondering why you didn’t get a 95, and they tell you that you are grounded and so you can’t talk to your friends and so you, once again, are home on Saturday Night not doing anything. Then, the fact that six other people said they didn’t really do anything on Saturday Night doesn’t help you feel better, because somewhere someone is telling a story about something really fun that they did, and you know that you could have been doing something fun.
The problem with boring life is that it makes for an even more boring story. TV is not about people, it is about characters. And all characters have to do something. All characters have to get a girl, even if she was born with a penis and no one else likes her. Even if he is a burnout who ends up playing dungeons and dragons. The Geeks still do stuff. I didn’t. I did nothing in High School. I never could have played D&D – I was way too self conscious. And so you stay home. You don’t think your friends are cool so you don’t really hang out with them and you stay home and watch tv shows about people who do things, and think about the girl that you want to walk from fourth to fifth period with, and all the homework you didn’t do, and you start to feel bad about yourself. And then on Sunday you go to church and people tell you how much they love you and you tell people how much you love them, except you really don’t so you feel bad, but Jesus loves you, so maybe it’s all better. If only you could talk to that girl.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Boycott Pepsico?

Jacob, a guy who lived on my hall last year, wants you to boycott Pepsico due to their "failure to remain neutral in the culture war," aka, their support for gay equality.

I have a few thoughts:

1. If people want to boycott Pepsi because they dispute the companies values, they have every right to do so as Pepsi does to support certain causes.

2. I don't drink Pepsi because I think their product sucks.

3. This is sponsored by the American Family Association. Gay people want the right to get married. Isn't this in accordance with forming stronger families? Isn't that a good thing? When did people committing to love another person become bad?
I understand that this organization's purpose has nothing to do with promoting "family," but rather to promoting an orthodox Christian view of family. But please, change your name. Orthodox Christians don't have a monopoly on family. Truth in advertising, please. Aren't Christians supposed to be proud of what they represent? Proud to be Christians?

4. I don't think that this is really an issue that people or even corporations can remain "neutral" on. My understanding of this "culture war" is that it is largely about a people group's recognition as a legitimate and equal segment of society that wants nothing more than legitimacy and equality. They do not want to take away any religious group's autonomy over their doctrine.
However, because the conversation about gay rights is largely based around the recognition of homosexuality as a completely legitimate and natural life style, ignoring gays is fighting against them. Respect for human dignity is not an issue that people can be on the fence about. A person or corporation must be seen as either for gay equality or against it. Failure to participate in the conversation diminishes gay rights.

5. The website uses Pepsico's support for "Family Guy" and "Brothers and Sisters" as a sign that Pepsico wants everyone to be gay and hates Christians. Forreal? Pepsico is a corporation. They want to make money. They advertise. People consume their product. This isn't a PAC or advocacy group. The tv shows are the same way. Their purpose is to air interesting and amusing content that will attract viewers. If you think that they should not advertise these shows due to a "promotion (recognition of the existence of) homosexuality, than you are not asking Pepsico to be "neutral in the culture war." You want them to be actively fighting the legitimization of homosexuality. Once again, this AFA group has the right to use their economic power to push Pepsi into doing this, but don't ask Pepsi to be neutral. Ask them to fight on your side. Once again, ignoring the issue is fighting it.

6. The website shows a video of a Gay Rights rally sponsored by Pepsico and talks about how offensive it is. It's offensive because there are gay people touching each other and someone drops an F-Bomb. Whatever. The most important part of the video, to me, is when a woman talks about how much she "loves her people." WHY DO PEOPLE NOT LIKE THIS??????? WHEN DID LOVE BECOME AN OBJECTIONABLE ACT? THESE PEOPLE AREN'T TRYING TO DO BAD TO ANYONE. THEY JUST WANT THEIR LOVE TO BE RECOGNIZED AS LEGITIMATE.

That is all.


So we were having a deep intellectual conversation about religion and the veracity of claims made in the bible and what not. Then some girl came out and tried to join this conversation. She is under the influence of something strong. I'm not sure what is happening. I should probably go to sleep.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Actual add from one of the companies that became Exxon.


Wins again

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lady Cartman Walkenga


I really hate it and am not looking forward to my test tomorrow. Still, though, this video is too bad ass to not post.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Quoted for Truth

"Mostly, you'll hear about how a trial in open court opens up the possibility we might lose the case, as if the only justice worth having is the kind they dole out in Iran."
-Jason Linkins


This is from the short story I wrote for my Creative Writing class. If anyone wants to read the whole thing, I'd love feedback.

We ate and chatted. Rita was new in town. Working as a waitress and had accompanied a co-worker to the party the night before.
Rita looked at me kind of funny. “Everything alright?” I asked.
Rita shoved eggs into her mouth. “I’m stealing your car.”
I was stunned for about 17 different reasons. “What? No.” I was whispering. “No! Wait? Why am I talking to you? I’m leaving. I should be making a scene!”
“I wouldn’t do that.” She cut off a small bite of pancake and dipped it in her syrup.
“What? Why not?”
“Because,” she said, eating the pancake. “I have a gun. It’s pointed at you under the table.”
“I have a gun. Come on, I really need your car keys. I’m running late.”
“No. What are you talking about? What are you late for?”
“I’m meeting a friend down in Charleston tonight. She has a new boy friend that she wants me to meet.”
“Wait. What?”

Thursday, November 12, 2009

double you. tee. eff

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington said Wednesday that it will be unable to continue the social service programs it runs for the District if the city doesn't change a proposed same-sex marriage law, a threat that could affect tens of thousands of people the church helps with adoption, homelessness and health care.

From WaPo's faith blog

Friday, November 6, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


reehaye: i've been nauseous for like 4 days now. need it to go away.
mjlahaye: @reehaye you're not, pregnant, are you?
reehaye:@mjlahaye wow, thanks mike. now i'm going to puke. no. not pregnant.
mjlahaye: ok just making sure.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I love

when Pandora plays awesome music I haven't heard in forever.

Monday, October 26, 2009

More Nuttiness on the Right

Per Alan Colmes:
Ed Napolitano (right), who headed Florida’s Southeast Broward Republican Club, resigned after a gun event featuring targets resembling Muslim stereotypes and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Robert Lowry, a real estate mogul who is planning to run against Schultz, was at the event, and shot at the target with the initials “DWS” next to the head.

You stay classy, GOP.

Public Option in.

Harry Reid grew some stones:
I've concluded --with the support of the White House, Senators Dodd and Baucus -- that the best way to move forward is to include a public option with the opt-out provision for states. The public option, with an opt-out, is the one that's fair."

I don't know exactly how the opt-out would work, but it looks like it wouldn't:

Sen. Lamar Alexander, a Republican leader from Tennessee, said on the Senate floor Monday, in advance of Reid's announcement, that the opt-out provision isn't to be taken seriously. Medicaid, he noted, has an opt-out provision, but not one state has opted out. Public health insurance, in other words, is too popular for states to opt out.

Not that that is particularly bothersome to me.

I'd still rather see health care go in a different direction (once again, read this), but at least it is going in a direction.


Excellent music playing while getting coffee today:
Coldplay: Yellow (acoustic)

John Mayer: Who Says

Neil Young: My My, Hey Hey (into the blue)

Harrison's My Sweet Lord:

Ingrid Michaelson: Maybe

Tom Petty: Wildflowers


go to XKCD today. it is funny. not rebloggable though, sadly.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

F*** you, Penguin

So, the Fuck you penguin guy wrote his book and I guess discovered that we were all bored of him getting angry at cute animals, so he has decided to change it up, and it has a lot of potential.

The story is that he got "captured by evil penguins" who are now the ones publishing his blog. This is from a recent post:

1. Penguins actually can fly, but they choose not to do so because they don't want humans to think that penguins believe they are better than everyone.
2. Penguins have the highest percentage of church attendance in the animal kingdom. Unless you don't like that sort of thing, in which case they are agnostic leaning towards secular humanism.
3. Penguins love NASCAR because it puts them in touch with their working class roots.
4. There has never been an incidence of any penguin using the term "Bros before hos."
5. While there are a small percentage of penguins that hog the spotlight, the vast majority are private birds who just want to live their lives and avoid hurting humans.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My first dictionary

Full blog here. Courtesy of Prudvi.

David Bowie

Nothing like Labyrinth in the morning to make you feel like checking yourself in.

Monday, October 19, 2009

XKCD wins again

A laptop battery contains roughly the same energy as a hand grenade, and if it shorted... hey! You can't arrest me if I prove your rules inconsistent!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

6 days?

This guy from "Truth and Science Ministries" will be at Tech at the end of October.

Thank you creationism for being a never ending source of entertainment.

first line of a sonnett

I have to write poetry for my Creative writing class. It is due Tuesday.

So far, I have the first line of a Sonnet:

Senseless screaming is the strangest source

It's not quite helplessly hoping, but I'm no Graham Nash either.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

From the AT

Grayson, a guy who lived on my hall last year is taking the semester off to hike the AT, and is blogging whenever he goes into town. It's pretty cool, I'd definitely check it out. This is my favorite post so far:

When I arrived at the shelter at 10p.m. I realized that I walked six miles in the dark with no fear. But, the night’s test had truly just begun. The shelter was overflowing with pre-pubescent boy scouts. That would be the true test.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm excited

You remind me of a hippopotamus. Because you suck.

Future roommate. To the kid that should be living with us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Go Olympia, Go!

So, the Senate Finance Committee passed a health care reform bill, so that's cool. Olympia Snowe, a Republican voted for it, so she is the only nondouche bag, or something like that.

How exciting.

This guy fears that that will make a public option less likely, which kind of sucks. And Michelle Malkin is still insane. Oh well.

Let's drink to the hard working people

Monday, October 12, 2009

Holy shit. I can't believe I never heard about this.

I'm just starting to learn about this KBR case. It's pretty outrageous. Here is some background.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So homecoming is ridiculous. I ran a one night pretend campaign for Homecoming King and then gave up. (My slogan was Mike LaHaye for Homecoming King. Why the fuck not?).
Anyway, I decided that to pretend to run was to simply validate the whole process, and decided that I would just ignore Homecoming. Until I got this:

Heyyy Mike,

I know we have never met, but my name is Ali Miller (friend me on facebook!) and I am running for Homecoming Queen of Virginia Tech, sponsored by Alpha Phi. Right now, for 2 seconds, it would mean so much if you just clicked on this VT link, looked at the left-hand side and clicked on VOTE NOW button.

It's so easy and I hate throwing flyers at everyone on the drillfield. This is less annoying...

Thank you so much!
and check out my music video if you have any doubts of voting for me :) Tyrod's in it!!

Alison Miller
College of Liberal Arts

Clearly, some chick getting my email and sending me shit deserved a response, so I got a little bit creative and replied with this:
I was walkin’ cross the drill field
and a girl walks up to me and asks me to vote for homecoming queen
Much hotter. More Spirit.
Man, I’m not vote for homecoming queen

I threw it on the ground!
You must think I’m a joke!
I ain’t gonna be part of this system!
Man, give that paper to another jackass!
go to my favorite dining hall
and the chick says, “I see you all the time! Won’t you vote for me.”
I said, “Man, what I look like, a high schooler?”
I took it, and threw it on the ground!
I don’t need your handouts!
I’m an adult!
Please, you can’t buy me homecoming queen!
At the farmer’s market with my so-called “girlfriend”
She hands me her cellphone, says it’s the queen.
Man, this ain’t my queen. This is a cellphone!
I threw it on the ground!
What you think I’m stupid?
I’m not a part of this system!
My queen’s not a phone! Duh!
Some frat boy hands me candy at a party
What you want me to do with this, eat it?
Happy homecoming to the ground!
I threw the rest of your frat too!
Welcome to the real world, jackass!
So many things to throw on the ground
Like this, and this, and that. And even this.
I’m an adult!
Two sorority phonys trying to give me their vote.
Ground! Nobody needs a homecoming! Phonys!
Then the two phonys got up. Turns out they had a taser.
And they tased me in the butt hole.
I fell to the ground.
The phonys didn’t let up.
Tasing on my butt hole, over and over.
I was screaming and squirming
My butt hole was on fire!
The moral of this story is: you can’t trust the system!

God Bless the Lonely Island for making stuff for me to parody.
Also, I'm at Durant is at 4,994 hits. Woot woot.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Nothing else describes it... maybe besides HOT

best/worst idea ever

An insurance company claims that they would accept anyone who comes to apply. Good, ethical place, fights adverse selection, right?

Here's the thing: their office was on the third floor of the building. There was no elevator. If you can't climb the stairs, you can't apply.


(I don't know if it is real, but my Health Care Economics Professor just told us about it.)

"I don't care who you are, that's not funny"

David Cross of Arrested Development takes on Larry the Cable Guy. And is the man.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Krugman writes

“Cheers erupted” at the headquarters of the conservative Weekly Standard, according to a blog post by a member of the magazine’s staff, with the headline “Obama loses! Obama loses!” Rush Limbaugh declared himself “gleeful.” “World Rejects Obama,” gloated the Drudge Report. And so on.
So what did we learn from this moment? For one thing, we learned that the modern conservative movement, which dominates the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old.

Hey Paul: calling someone a bratty 13 year old moves the conversation as far forward as celebrating the loss of the Olympics. I agree with the premise of your article, and think that it is important. However, that gets lost in your cheapshot.

You won a Nobel Prize. Act like it. Write like it. We need you to.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Text from Matt


(Republican) Party like it's Nineteen-Ninety (four)

I guess not.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


McCardle on Cash for Clunkers:

Cash for Clunkers moved a bunch of auto sales forward, causing people who thought they might replace their car in the next year or two to rush into the showrooms. Now, in the aftermath, sales are plummeting: 47% at GM, 44% at Chrysler, 8.9% at Ford, 16% at Toyota, 23% at Honda, 11% at Nissan. I hope those car companies used the cash infusion now, because they'll be on lean rations for months, even years.

That's why we need to fix health care+social security, boys and girls.


Mr. Pauly has a very interesting sentence: "the above analysis shows, however, that the response of seeking more medical care with insurance than in its absence is a result not of moral perfidy, but of rational economic behavior." We may agree certainly that the seeking of more medical care with insurance is a rational action on the part of the individuals if no further constraints are imposed. It does not follow that no constraints ought to be imposed or indeed that in certain contexts individuals should not impose constraints on themselves. Mr Pauly's wording suggests that "rational economic behavior" and "moral perfidy" are mutually exclusive categories. No doubt Judas Iscariot turned a tidy profit from one of his transactions, but the usual judgment of his behavior is not necessarily wrong.


Health Care fail

Let's give Everybody AIDS!
-John Stewart

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Democratic Super Majority
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm a nerd

Apparently there is some big UFC thing going on today. A lot of the guys on my hall are talking about it.

Health Care Policy, anyone?
Carbon Taxes?

Another person struggling to get a job... Sarah Palin

Palin's bookers are said to be asking for $100,000 per speech, but an industry expert tells Page Six: "The big lecture buyers in the US are paralyzed with fear about booking her, basically because they think she is a blithering idiot."

I'm so heartbroken for her


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Is College worth it?

Cool article on the value of a College Education

Students who got into both, say, the University of Pennsylvania and Penn State made roughly the same amount of money, regardless of which they chose. Just as you might hope, the fine-grain status distinctions that preoccupy elite high-school seniors (and more to the point, their parents) seem to be overrated.

The rest of the evidence, however, has tended to point strongly in the other direction. Several studies have found a large earnings gap between more- and less-educated identical twins.

So, stay in school, I guess.

Ohio State

My dad and his brothers are alumni of the University of Michigan, making me and most of my family Michigan football fans. This also means we are NOT fans of Ohio State.

So, my cousin, Taylor, sent me this on Facebook:

So as you know I have a friend who has the misfortune of attending Ohio State. I was talking to her earlier and she mentioned that her sorority has a tradition of traveling to the furthest Big Ten away game every year. This is the first year she can... go, they're going to Iowa and she's very excited. It's a meaningful game now that Iowa beat Penn State and she's never been to an away game (or Iowa for that matter) and she's really looking forward to it. I start wondering which weekend it is, so I look it up.

Here is Ohio State's football schedule for this year:

eptember 5 Navy

September 12 No. 3 USC

September 19 at Toledo

September 26 Illinois

October 3 at Indiana

October 10 Wisconsin

October 17 at Purdue

October 24 Minnesota

October 31 New Mexico State

November 7 at No. 15 Penn State

November 14 No. 13 Iowa

November 21 at No. 22 Michigan

Please notice that the word "at" does not appear in the bolded line.

THE Ohio State University, ladies and gentlemen!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pretty soon you're gonna be dead

"I f***ing love you for that"

So, my new fave Jenny Slate dropped an F-Bomb Saturday Night. She said "fricken" about 78 times in the same sketch, "Biker Chick Chat"

Slate said "You frickin' just threw an ashtray full of butts at my head. You know what, you stood up for yourself and I fucking love you for that."

Apparently she won't get fired, which is excellent, because she is awesome.

This might be my worst blog post ever, but whatever, Jenny Slate is awesome. I wish she had been in the show as much as Megan Fox, who I found to be very unfunny. I think the writers did too, because the monologue was like 15 seconds long, mostly her holding up pictures of her head on someone else's naked body.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


As much as I love watching football, I really hate it.

Possibly more on this later.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


fail sauce


We started Poetry in Intro to Creative Writing today. Our assignment at the end of class was to write a ten line poem in ten minutes that included an altered cliche (in the first line) and five given words (italicized). Mine was a piece of shit, but I'll throw it up here anyway.

Hey! You! Come onto my cloud. Where
we can watch the days float away

Our mothers and fathers have done just the same
We'll stay back from the cliffs. Don't join in that game.

Isn't it wonderful eating blackberries?
We'll spend our days picking them till we are wary

There's no need to hustle, no need to run
cause there's no where to go before it is done

So stay on our cloud up above all the noise
It's you and it's me and the sound of your voice.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


"The last time we left Afghanistan, and we abandoned Pakistan,that territory became the very territory on which Al Qaeda trained and attacked us on September 11th. So our national security interests are very much tied up in not letting Afghanistan fail again and become a safe haven for terrorists.
"It's that simple, if you want another terrorist attack in the U.S., abandon Afghanistan."

-Condoleeza Rice

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What I learned today

I promised that I would get back to the smarter end of the political conversation.

In this article, Kenneth Arrow argues that we should not have government health insurance (or food stamps or housing projects), and that instead we should just decide on a particular resource distribution and the market will reallocate them in the utility maximizing bundle of goods that is the Pareto optimal competitive equilibrium.

I like the idea from a libertarian-with-a-conscience/social safety net standpoint, although that theory is predicated on the notion that people will act in their rational best interest, which I do not often trust them to do. I also think that if the government is going to engage in reallocation of resources, it should have the ability to force people to spend money in ways that will not prohibit them from spending public funds on activities that will discourage future achievement.

The above diagram is from my Economics of health care class. The drawing is an Edgeworth-Bowley box.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

win win win win win

Ben Folds wrote a song about Levi Johnston (Bristol Palin's baby daddy). Awesome.

Someday I'll get back to posting actual comments and opinions and stories and not just the bottom barrel of political fodder, but for now, that's what you are getting.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Too Easy... but necessary


"Pres. Obama just called Kanye West a 'jackass' for his outburst at VMAs when Taylor Swift won. Now THAT'S presidential," Moran said.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is even better

Is he an alien to the country or the planet?

a prayer?

I want to be her boyfriend

This is the future of SNL. I'm pumped.

Friday, September 11, 2009

One Party Democracy

Thomas Friedmann writes

Watching both the health care and climate/energy debates in Congress, it is hard not to draw the following conclusion: There is only one thing worse than one-party autocracy, and that is one-party democracy, which is what we have in America today.

“Just because Obama is on a path to give America the Romney health plan with McCain-style financing, does not mean the Republicans will embrace it — if it seems politically more attractive to scream ‘socialist,’ ” said Miller.

All I can say in response is....


We can change the world

It's dying to get better.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dietary problems???

Me: Ok, time to go to Deets and shit out half a paper.
Tyler: Wow, maybe you've been eating too much paper.


Prediction X: The six best teams this season will be New England, Pittsburgh, San Diego, Green Bay, the Giants ... and New Orleans. (That's right, New Orleans. You heard me.) The other six playoff teams will be Indianapolis, Seattle, Chicago, Baltimore, Denver and Washington. In the Super Bowl, Green Bay will defeat Pittsburgh to cap off the first Eff You season devoted to a specific player. That player would be you, Brett Favre.

-Bill Simmons


Guess when this happened...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

113% of the deficit?

Megan McArdle writes

Ah, our old friends, waste, fraud, and abuse, the bane of politicians everywhere. Based on the number of politicians I have heard during my adult lifetime promising to generate massive savings from cutting waste, fraud, and abuse, I estimate that this diabolical trio accounts for approximately 113% of all Federal spending. The percentage may be even higher at the state and local levels.


That speech thing

Interesting Speech. Mostly good. Not a terrible amount for the Right to bitch about, besides maybe Ted Kennedy (although I know they will find plenty).

I would have loved to hear the term "moral hazard." If only we all knew what that meant.

moral hazard
moral hazard

Mash-up of the century?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Friday, September 4, 2009


How in the world does this happen

The Daily Manab Zamin said US astronaut Neil Armstrong had shocked a news conference by saying he now knew it had been an "elaborate hoax".

Neither they nor the New Nation, which later picked up the story, realised the Onion was not a genuine news site.

The original onion article can be found here.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Almost as funny as the birthers

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A sign of a life on the right

George Will argued for an exit from Afghanistan in his WaPo column this morning.

Military historian Max Hastings says Kabul controls only about a third of the country -- "control" is an elastic concept -- and " 'our' Afghans may prove no more viable than were 'our' Vietnamese, the Saigon regime." Just 4,000 Marines are contesting control of Helmand province, which is the size of West Virginia. The New York Times reports a Helmand official saying he has only "police officers who steal and a small group of Afghan soldiers who say they are here for 'vacation.' " Afghanistan's $23 billion gross domestic product is the size of Boise's. Counterinsurgency doctrine teaches, not very helpfully, that development depends on security, and that security depends on development. Three-quarters of Afghanistan's poppy production for opium comes from Helmand. In what should be called Operation Sisyphus, U.S. officials are urging farmers to grow other crops. Endive, perhaps?


Mullen speaks of combating Afghanistan's "culture of poverty." But that took decades in just a few square miles of the South Bronx. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, thinks jobs programs and local government services might entice many "accidental guerrillas" to leave the Taliban. But before launching New Deal 2.0 in Afghanistan, the Obama administration should ask itself: If U.S. forces are there to prevent reestablishment of al-Qaeda bases -- evidently there are none now -- must there be nation-building invasions of Somalia, Yemen and other sovereignty vacuums?

I honestly don't know a whole lot about the situation in Afghanistan other than that it is a complete cluster-derogatorytermfornonconsensualsexualintercourse. I don't get what we are trying to accomplish and how we imagine that a military operation can make development happen, especially when we are using terrorist-hunting tactics that kill 20 civilians to kill one bad guy. Aside from being a bad ethical policy, I do not see that as bad military or nation building or counter-terrorism strategy.

What happens if we send the Peace Corps to Afghanistan(or transform the military into a purely nation-building, humanitarian unit)? We would put an end to ANY violence coming from our side. We go over with arms out stretched, stop killing people, and build hospitals and schools and homes and skate parks, help cultivate agriculture and education and industry, and work completely with the peaceful element of the Afghan population instead of against it. Or maybe it's time to leave. I just don't think that killing people makes a society, especially a society that is that broken, any more peaceful or prosperous in the long run, and after eight years over there, we could already be having the long run. EIGHT years. That's a long time. Second graders were not alive when U.S. Troops were not in Afghanistan.

Monday, August 31, 2009


I'm not entirely sure that Dick Cheney's predictions on foreign policy have borne a whole lot of fruit over the last eight years in a way that have been either positive or, best of my recollection, very correct.

-Robert Gibbs

Crazy day in completely not actually important news

Disney is buying Marvel and Rick Rodriguez is still the scum of Ann Arbor.


"You are living a reality I left years ago it quite nearly killed me"

My favorite part of this video is that Neil looks like he needs to evolve for another couple million years. I say that with all the affection I possibly can for a socialist Canuck that is one of the greatest songwriters ever.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The mind of Cheney

From HuffPo's Sunday Talk Show TV SoundOff

(Cheney says)"We have a track record of eight years of defending America from mass casualty attacks from al Qaeda." Here we go. In the first place, it's NOT eight years. In the second place, that ONE mass casualty attack was pretty bad, and puts you toward the historical bottom of administrations who defended against mass casualty attacks (not to worry, there's some good company!) But once again, we get back to one of my favorite things about Cheneyism -- he wants to take all the credit while simultaneously assuming none of the responsibility. I would at least respect a guy who stood up and said, "Yes. We tortured some people. It was my call. I gave the order. Here's why I did this. I'm responsible. Put the blame, right here."

But with Cheney, its like there was a torture policy that happened to run simultaneously alongside his Vice-Presidency and lawyers said it was super okay and that they could make it superer-okayer, and there's nothing anyone could have done, it was just some stuff that was ongoing, and hey, we were only brutally attacked that one time, so maybe it was the reason we weren't brutally attacked a million more times. Who knows?

To all of my conservative friends, particularly the Christian ones, YOU SUPPORT THIS MAN? Sorry, but I can't. We have to face up to the fact that torture was done on our behalves and take responsibility. I'm not sure what that means besides stopping, apologizing to the world, and working to make amends with the foreign community.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'M FAMOUS (or something )

From the Daily Dish

Mike LaHaye:

Who killed Healthcare (and the consumer-driven cure)? By Regina Herzlinger. I read two books about health care this summer, Herzlinger’s and a book by Tom Daschle called critical. Obama blurbed Daschle’s book, but Herzlinger’s is far more comprehensive and technical. Daschle covered the legislative history of health care. Herzlinger explained everything, from the birth, rise, and fall of Kaiser Permanente to the big hospital’s effort to have smaller, more efficient specialty hospitals legislated out of agenda. It was a tremendous book, and I am sure that Obama would have to take a second look at a consumer centered reform.

I'd recommend that President Obama read the article on healthcare in the current issue of The Atlantic.

for context, check here

I'd write something more comprehensive, but I'm giddy and tired.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy is dead

This morning, he passed away at the age of 77. He died of Brain Cancer.

I hope to comment on the ramifications of this for the passage of health care later, but it's very important. He's fought that fight for a long time.

I do not know enough about him to know exactly what his legacy was, aside from the fact that when I played for the red team, I hated the man.

The closest thing the United States may ever have to a royal family appears to be ending, barring a re-emergence of Caroline or another similar event.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Q: How many hipsters does it take to change a lightblub? A: It's a really obscure number, you've probably never heard of it.

Q: How many Southern Baptists does it take to change a lightbulb? A: CHANGE?!?!

Q: How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Trick question, feminism doesn't change anything

preferably told by a woman Q: How many women's studies majors does it take to change a lightbulb? A: THAT'S NOT FUNNY!

Q: How many Vietnam Veterans does it take to change a lightbulb? A: You don't know, man! You weren't there!

Q: How many Psychotherapists does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Only one, but the lightbulb really has to want to change.

Q: How many Marxists does it take to unscrew a lightbulb? A: None, the lightbulb contains within it its own seeds of revolution.


Bob Dylan may voice GPS systems

"Left at the next street. No, right. You know what? Just go straight."

He continued: "I probably shouldn't do it because whichever way I go, I always end up at one place - on Lonely Avenue. Luckily I'm not totally alone. Ray Charles beat me there."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Billy Mays

Pete told this joke after the story of Dexter wishing death upon the already dead Billy Mays.

St. Peter is sitting at the pearly gates, and within quick succession, Michael Jackson (No), Steve McNair (yes), and Farrah Fawcett (duh, she's already an angel) show up. St. Peter says "wow, that's a lot of celebrities!"
Then Billy Mays shows up and says "BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!"


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wheel Chairs

Pete got a new wheel chair. I think it's from a prison or something. He is racing Yvonne. She is on foot.

This is awesome.

College is good stuff.

Dexter, ctd.

So, Dexter just revealed that his high school history teacher called him Sexy Dexy. Revealing this aspect of his life to us was a bad move. I like this kid.

Buddhist Jokes

These are funny, I guess

Q: What did a Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor?
A: Make me one with everything.


So, Dexter lives across the hall from me this year. He is really friendly and seems pretty smart. Dexter is a good guy.

However, we were at wal-mart today, and Dexter says "You know who I really hate? Billy Mays. I hope that that guy dies. He is so annoying."

Well, Dexter, you got your wish. Two months ago. When Billy Mays died. I think that you are the only person that didn't hear.

Important things ctd.

I told you that Stewart vs. McCaughey would be important. And now we know that it was.
CANTEL MEDICAL CORP. (NYSE: CMN – News) announced that on August 20, 2009 it received a letter of resignation from Ms. Elizabeth McCaughey as a director of the Company. Ms. McCaughey, who had served as a director since 2005, stated that she was resigning to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest during the national debate over healthcare reform.

Comedy Central FTW
whether or not you can deal with Stewart's liberal slant, he is undeniably one of the most powerful men in the media. This after the way he obliterated Jim Cramer demonstrates that his ability to actually lay into someone he is interviewing is a very, very good thing for this country.