Jacob, a guy who lived on my hall last year, wants you to boycott Pepsico due to their "failure to remain neutral in the culture war," aka, their support for gay equality.
I have a few thoughts:
1. If people want to boycott Pepsi because they dispute the companies values, they have every right to do so as Pepsi does to support certain causes.
2. I don't drink Pepsi because I think their product sucks.
3. This is sponsored by the American Family Association. Gay people want the right to get married. Isn't this in accordance with forming stronger families? Isn't that a good thing? When did people committing to love another person become bad?
I understand that this organization's purpose has nothing to do with promoting "family," but rather to promoting an orthodox Christian view of family. But please, change your name. Orthodox Christians don't have a monopoly on family. Truth in advertising, please. Aren't Christians supposed to be proud of what they represent? Proud to be Christians?
4. I don't think that this is really an issue that people or even corporations can remain "neutral" on. My understanding of this "culture war" is that it is largely about a people group's recognition as a legitimate and equal segment of society that wants nothing more than legitimacy and equality. They do not want to take away any religious group's autonomy over their doctrine.
However, because the conversation about gay rights is largely based around the recognition of homosexuality as a completely legitimate and natural life style, ignoring gays is fighting against them. Respect for human dignity is not an issue that people can be on the fence about. A person or corporation must be seen as either for gay equality or against it. Failure to participate in the conversation diminishes gay rights.
5. The website uses Pepsico's support for "Family Guy" and "Brothers and Sisters" as a sign that Pepsico wants everyone to be gay and hates Christians. Forreal? Pepsico is a corporation. They want to make money. They advertise. People consume their product. This isn't a PAC or advocacy group. The tv shows are the same way. Their purpose is to air interesting and amusing content that will attract viewers. If you think that they should not advertise these shows due to a "promotion (recognition of the existence of) homosexuality, than you are not asking Pepsico to be "neutral in the culture war." You want them to be actively fighting the legitimization of homosexuality. Once again, this AFA group has the right to use their economic power to push Pepsi into doing this, but don't ask Pepsi to be neutral. Ask them to fight on your side. Once again, ignoring the issue is fighting it.
6. The website shows a video of a Gay Rights rally sponsored by Pepsico and talks about how offensive it is. It's offensive because there are gay people touching each other and someone drops an F-Bomb. Whatever. The most important part of the video, to me, is when a woman talks about how much she "loves her people." WHY DO PEOPLE NOT LIKE THIS??????? WHEN DID LOVE BECOME AN OBJECTIONABLE ACT? THESE PEOPLE AREN'T TRYING TO DO BAD TO ANYONE. THEY JUST WANT THEIR LOVE TO BE RECOGNIZED AS LEGITIMATE.
That is all.
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