Sunday, August 30, 2009

The mind of Cheney

From HuffPo's Sunday Talk Show TV SoundOff

(Cheney says)"We have a track record of eight years of defending America from mass casualty attacks from al Qaeda." Here we go. In the first place, it's NOT eight years. In the second place, that ONE mass casualty attack was pretty bad, and puts you toward the historical bottom of administrations who defended against mass casualty attacks (not to worry, there's some good company!) But once again, we get back to one of my favorite things about Cheneyism -- he wants to take all the credit while simultaneously assuming none of the responsibility. I would at least respect a guy who stood up and said, "Yes. We tortured some people. It was my call. I gave the order. Here's why I did this. I'm responsible. Put the blame, right here."

But with Cheney, its like there was a torture policy that happened to run simultaneously alongside his Vice-Presidency and lawyers said it was super okay and that they could make it superer-okayer, and there's nothing anyone could have done, it was just some stuff that was ongoing, and hey, we were only brutally attacked that one time, so maybe it was the reason we weren't brutally attacked a million more times. Who knows?

To all of my conservative friends, particularly the Christian ones, YOU SUPPORT THIS MAN? Sorry, but I can't. We have to face up to the fact that torture was done on our behalves and take responsibility. I'm not sure what that means besides stopping, apologizing to the world, and working to make amends with the foreign community.

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