Saturday, August 1, 2009

Worst Idea Ever

So, I've decided that the next step of being an elitist intellectual snob without trying very hard is too try very diligently to properly use adjectives and adverbs. This was possibly my worst idea ever. Now, anytime that anyone say that they are "doing good" (doing well) or that they are "running quick" (running quickly), I notice. And cringe. The cringing is automatic. I cringe automatically.

This plan failed. Ir does not make me appear smarter. I just fell like an ass. I do not, however, believe that I will be able to return to talking good. I am doomed to this state of assholedness for all of eternity. The sins of the father afflict unto the generations. This is super. I feel superb.


Alison said...

You misspelled "too." Success. Don't worry, being a grammar snob isn't the worst thing you could be. Join the party.

Chris said...

if you start writing like that all the time, I will unfollow you.

marie said...

there are a ridiculous amount of misspellings and typos in this. try thinking about that if you're considering being an intellectual elitist snob. also, talk to mom about being "too smart for ones own good".

marie said...

also, i appreciate your use of the word "assholedness". mostly because mom made it up, and now you're using it as an intellectual elitist snob. excellent.

Mike said...

Damn i fail.