Monday, August 31, 2009


I'm not entirely sure that Dick Cheney's predictions on foreign policy have borne a whole lot of fruit over the last eight years in a way that have been either positive or, best of my recollection, very correct.

-Robert Gibbs

Crazy day in completely not actually important news

Disney is buying Marvel and Rick Rodriguez is still the scum of Ann Arbor.


"You are living a reality I left years ago it quite nearly killed me"

My favorite part of this video is that Neil looks like he needs to evolve for another couple million years. I say that with all the affection I possibly can for a socialist Canuck that is one of the greatest songwriters ever.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The mind of Cheney

From HuffPo's Sunday Talk Show TV SoundOff

(Cheney says)"We have a track record of eight years of defending America from mass casualty attacks from al Qaeda." Here we go. In the first place, it's NOT eight years. In the second place, that ONE mass casualty attack was pretty bad, and puts you toward the historical bottom of administrations who defended against mass casualty attacks (not to worry, there's some good company!) But once again, we get back to one of my favorite things about Cheneyism -- he wants to take all the credit while simultaneously assuming none of the responsibility. I would at least respect a guy who stood up and said, "Yes. We tortured some people. It was my call. I gave the order. Here's why I did this. I'm responsible. Put the blame, right here."

But with Cheney, its like there was a torture policy that happened to run simultaneously alongside his Vice-Presidency and lawyers said it was super okay and that they could make it superer-okayer, and there's nothing anyone could have done, it was just some stuff that was ongoing, and hey, we were only brutally attacked that one time, so maybe it was the reason we weren't brutally attacked a million more times. Who knows?

To all of my conservative friends, particularly the Christian ones, YOU SUPPORT THIS MAN? Sorry, but I can't. We have to face up to the fact that torture was done on our behalves and take responsibility. I'm not sure what that means besides stopping, apologizing to the world, and working to make amends with the foreign community.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'M FAMOUS (or something )

From the Daily Dish

Mike LaHaye:

Who killed Healthcare (and the consumer-driven cure)? By Regina Herzlinger. I read two books about health care this summer, Herzlinger’s and a book by Tom Daschle called critical. Obama blurbed Daschle’s book, but Herzlinger’s is far more comprehensive and technical. Daschle covered the legislative history of health care. Herzlinger explained everything, from the birth, rise, and fall of Kaiser Permanente to the big hospital’s effort to have smaller, more efficient specialty hospitals legislated out of agenda. It was a tremendous book, and I am sure that Obama would have to take a second look at a consumer centered reform.

I'd recommend that President Obama read the article on healthcare in the current issue of The Atlantic.

for context, check here

I'd write something more comprehensive, but I'm giddy and tired.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy is dead

This morning, he passed away at the age of 77. He died of Brain Cancer.

I hope to comment on the ramifications of this for the passage of health care later, but it's very important. He's fought that fight for a long time.

I do not know enough about him to know exactly what his legacy was, aside from the fact that when I played for the red team, I hated the man.

The closest thing the United States may ever have to a royal family appears to be ending, barring a re-emergence of Caroline or another similar event.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Q: How many hipsters does it take to change a lightblub? A: It's a really obscure number, you've probably never heard of it.

Q: How many Southern Baptists does it take to change a lightbulb? A: CHANGE?!?!

Q: How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Trick question, feminism doesn't change anything

preferably told by a woman Q: How many women's studies majors does it take to change a lightbulb? A: THAT'S NOT FUNNY!

Q: How many Vietnam Veterans does it take to change a lightbulb? A: You don't know, man! You weren't there!

Q: How many Psychotherapists does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Only one, but the lightbulb really has to want to change.

Q: How many Marxists does it take to unscrew a lightbulb? A: None, the lightbulb contains within it its own seeds of revolution.


Bob Dylan may voice GPS systems

"Left at the next street. No, right. You know what? Just go straight."

He continued: "I probably shouldn't do it because whichever way I go, I always end up at one place - on Lonely Avenue. Luckily I'm not totally alone. Ray Charles beat me there."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Billy Mays

Pete told this joke after the story of Dexter wishing death upon the already dead Billy Mays.

St. Peter is sitting at the pearly gates, and within quick succession, Michael Jackson (No), Steve McNair (yes), and Farrah Fawcett (duh, she's already an angel) show up. St. Peter says "wow, that's a lot of celebrities!"
Then Billy Mays shows up and says "BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!"


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wheel Chairs

Pete got a new wheel chair. I think it's from a prison or something. He is racing Yvonne. She is on foot.

This is awesome.

College is good stuff.

Dexter, ctd.

So, Dexter just revealed that his high school history teacher called him Sexy Dexy. Revealing this aspect of his life to us was a bad move. I like this kid.

Buddhist Jokes

These are funny, I guess

Q: What did a Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor?
A: Make me one with everything.


So, Dexter lives across the hall from me this year. He is really friendly and seems pretty smart. Dexter is a good guy.

However, we were at wal-mart today, and Dexter says "You know who I really hate? Billy Mays. I hope that that guy dies. He is so annoying."

Well, Dexter, you got your wish. Two months ago. When Billy Mays died. I think that you are the only person that didn't hear.

Important things ctd.

I told you that Stewart vs. McCaughey would be important. And now we know that it was.
CANTEL MEDICAL CORP. (NYSE: CMN – News) announced that on August 20, 2009 it received a letter of resignation from Ms. Elizabeth McCaughey as a director of the Company. Ms. McCaughey, who had served as a director since 2005, stated that she was resigning to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest during the national debate over healthcare reform.

Comedy Central FTW
whether or not you can deal with Stewart's liberal slant, he is undeniably one of the most powerful men in the media. This after the way he obliterated Jim Cramer demonstrates that his ability to actually lay into someone he is interviewing is a very, very good thing for this country.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Even if you think government is the worst invention since the death panel, you should still be open to the proposition that government fiscal policy can make up for losses in aggregate demand.

From the daily dish. Not that crucial to the post, but very funny none the less.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Important things

Betsy McCaughey will be on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart tonight. This is really important. She was instrumental in killing Clinton's health care reform by spreading the lie that it would be illegal to hire private doctors. It got big. I've made this claim (without doing my homework).

She tried to do the same thing with Obama's reform with the Death Panel deal. She started that nonsense. And Jon Stewart is interviewing her tonight. Get Pumped.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

These People are nuts follow up

It was a brilliant prank

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm Late. So what

Just discovered Bo Burnham at camp. He's hilarious.

Monday, August 3, 2009

watch this

These people are nuts

The birthers came up with this

I'm curious as to whether these people are pretending they believe this in order to get him out of office or if they are actually hateful/dumb/bored enough to believe it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Best facebook ad ever

Calling for a spiritual awakening in America. Am I getting too cynical? Probably. Oh well.

How much does Jesus love you?

So, this video got showed in church this morning:

That's right, go to church and Jesus will give you 10 grand.

Church is ridiculous.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


How did this not exist sooner???

Worst Idea Ever

So, I've decided that the next step of being an elitist intellectual snob without trying very hard is too try very diligently to properly use adjectives and adverbs. This was possibly my worst idea ever. Now, anytime that anyone say that they are "doing good" (doing well) or that they are "running quick" (running quickly), I notice. And cringe. The cringing is automatic. I cringe automatically.

This plan failed. Ir does not make me appear smarter. I just fell like an ass. I do not, however, believe that I will be able to return to talking good. I am doomed to this state of assholedness for all of eternity. The sins of the father afflict unto the generations. This is super. I feel superb.