Thursday, October 2, 2008


I quit engineering.

I didn't like it, and had no interest in doing it for the next forty years. I dropped my introduction to Engineering class, so there is essentially no going back. I've been very excited about this all day.

I can apply to change majors in two weeks during course registration. For now, that is a double major in International Studies concentrating in development and Religious Studies with a minor in math. I don't really know whether or not that will stick, but on October 2, that is the plan. IS majors have to become fluent in a second language, something I'd like to do but am not overly excited about, so that one could possibly change to Economics or Political Science, who knows.

What to do with a piece of paper saying that I studied International Development, Religion, and Math for four years at some place in Blacksburg, Virginia? No clue, at the moment. Probably going and hanging out in South America for a couple of years, maybe Grad School and be a professor, maybe Seminary. Who knows? I'm not really concerned. One thing that I've really taken away from a lot of the people that I have talked to about this switch is that as long as you can think, people will want you to do stuff and most likely compensate you for it nicely.

Anyway, that is what is going on in the world of Mike LaHaye today.

34 minutes until the most anticipated vp debate ever, I presume.


Unknown said...

Nice. Engineering is too boring. I think I'm going into industrial design.
This is Ian Surra by the way.

Unknown said...

Congrats. It's a big decision, and one i'll be making soon, but probably in the opposite direction..