Sunday, October 19, 2008

Last night during SNL (which was PHENOMENAL), a commercial for W came on. I haven't seen it yet, sadly, but plan to, because it looks like a really well made film. Anyway, that doesn't matter. The commercial cites an endorsement from someone saying "One of Oliver Stone's best!" to which Ben, the esteemed roommate, concluded that he must not be a very good director. I asked him if he had seen the movie so that he had evidence to support the claim, and he said "No, I'm a Republican, so I have to think that." Now, I know that Ben is a smart guy and probably doesn't actually think that. Still, though, the fact the comment still supports how terribly ignorant and polarized we've gotten. Why does being a Republican (or Democrat) automatically make it necessary that we think that other Republicans are good at their jobs? Why is it unpatriotic to disagree? We all need to get over ourselves. I think that this mindset has really hurt the country in this election. I know that towards the end of the primary, all Republicans and many Democrats were more or less displeased with their choices on a number of levels (Obama redeemed himself a bit by nominating Biden. McCain, not so much.) The fact that we support politicians on party first, biography second, and policies third often means that we discuss Joe the plumber instead of real macroeconomics or foreign policy.

As for Saturday Night Live last night...

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