Washington just turned the page on a decade filled with reckless spending, military adventurism and political fratricide. The costs of that era will be with us for some time.
-Joe Scarborough
The sad part? It's true.
It was also written by a former Republican Congressman.
The rest of the Article is a little bit stupid (you'll have to forgive Joe. He was in the House of Representatives and now works on Cable News in the morning. Both jobs reward stupid). Still, it is mostly fair (reckless Democratic budgets, reckless health care bills, reckless Republican demagogues, imaginary death panels). I don't know what about the Democratic budget was more reckless than Bush's. Maybe it was not forgetting things like wars or new entitlements like Bush was always prone to doing. Either way, Scarborough has courage, regardless of his dips into hyperbole.
The new media is a great thing for America. We just need to learn to be responsible with it.
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