Tuesday, January 12, 2010

From the Russia see-er

NEW YORK — Sarah Palin accounts for the controversy she attracts by saying her opponents don't like the "commonsense, conservative solutions" she represents. Debuting as a Fox News analyst, the 2008 vice presidential candidate and former Alaska governor was the guest of Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday's edition of "The O'Reilly Factor."

During the interview, Palin said sinking approval numbers for President Barack Obama reflect "an uncomfortableness" some Americans feel toward his administration.

"It was just a matter of time," she said.


I don't know if this deserves a response. I'm going to anyway, though, because I think it will be fun.


Yes Sarah, we hate you because of the commonsense solutions that you represent. If commonsense conservatism means propagating the thought that medicare could pay for conversations between patients and doctors where they discuss the most comfortable and dignified way to die is equivalent to a "Death Panel" where government would kill your special needs child, then yes: we hate you for your commonsense conservatism.

If commonsense conservatism means writing an Op-Ed where you discuss the science involved in global climate change instead of letting someone who is qualified write about the matter and shaping policy around the facts rather than shaping the facts to suit your policy interests than yes: we hate you for your commonsense conservatism.

If you think that commonsense conservatism means putting yourself a (rather feeble) heart beat away from the presidency of the United States of America despite a COMPLETE lack of understanding of policy, than yes: we hate you for your commonsense conservatism.

I'd argue that none of those things fall into the category of either commonsense or conservative. I think they are dumb and selfish and vain and wrong. I think you are largely a despicable human being.

That said, I'm not the first person to say these things and you didn't listen to anyone else, and even if you were to ever stumble upon this little blog, you'd dismiss it anyway.

So I'll just leave it with this: next time Sarah, try discomfort. I don't think uncomfortableness is a word.

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