but hilarious
by Mike LaHaye
Ed Napolitano (right), who headed Florida’s Southeast Broward Republican Club, resigned after a gun event featuring targets resembling Muslim stereotypes and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Robert Lowry, a real estate mogul who is planning to run against Schultz, was at the event, and shot at the target with the initials “DWS” next to the head.
I've concluded --with the support of the White House, Senators Dodd and Baucus -- that the best way to move forward is to include a public option with the opt-out provision for states. The public option, with an opt-out, is the one that's fair."
Sen. Lamar Alexander, a Republican leader from Tennessee, said on the Senate floor Monday, in advance of Reid's announcement, that the opt-out provision isn't to be taken seriously. Medicaid, he noted, has an opt-out provision, but not one state has opted out. Public health insurance, in other words, is too popular for states to opt out.
1. Penguins actually can fly, but they choose not to do so because they don't want humans to think that penguins believe they are better than everyone.
2. Penguins have the highest percentage of church attendance in the animal kingdom. Unless you don't like that sort of thing, in which case they are agnostic leaning towards secular humanism.
3. Penguins love NASCAR because it puts them in touch with their working class roots.
4. There has never been an incidence of any penguin using the term "Bros before hos."
5. While there are a small percentage of penguins that hog the spotlight, the vast majority are private birds who just want to live their lives and avoid hurting humans.
A laptop battery contains roughly the same energy as a hand grenade, and if it shorted... hey! You can't arrest me if I prove your rules inconsistent!
Senseless screaming is the strangest source
When I arrived at the shelter at 10p.m. I realized that I walked six miles in the dark with no fear. But, the night’s test had truly just begun. The shelter was overflowing with pre-pubescent boy scouts. That would be the true test.
You remind me of a hippopotamus. Because you suck.
Heyyy Mike,
I know we have never met, but my name is Ali Miller (friend me on facebook!) and I am running for Homecoming Queen of Virginia Tech, sponsored by Alpha Phi. Right now, for 2 seconds, it would mean so much if you just clicked on this VT link, looked at the left-hand side and clicked on VOTE NOW button.
It's so easy and I hate throwing flyers at everyone on the drillfield. This is less annoying...
Thank you so much!
and check out my music video if you have any doubts of voting for me :) Tyrod's in it!!
Alison Miller
College of Liberal Arts
I was walkin’ cross the drill field
and a girl walks up to me and asks me to vote for homecoming queen
Much hotter. More Spirit.
Man, I’m not vote for homecoming queen
I threw it on the ground!
You must think I’m a joke!
I ain’t gonna be part of this system!
Man, give that paper to another jackass!
go to my favorite dining hall
and the chick says, “I see you all the time! Won’t you vote for me.”
I said, “Man, what I look like, a high schooler?”
I took it, and threw it on the ground!
I don’t need your handouts!
I’m an adult!
Please, you can’t buy me homecoming queen!
At the farmer’s market with my so-called “girlfriend”
She hands me her cellphone, says it’s the queen.
Man, this ain’t my queen. This is a cellphone!
I threw it on the ground!
What you think I’m stupid?
I’m not a part of this system!
My queen’s not a phone! Duh!
Some frat boy hands me candy at a party
What you want me to do with this, eat it?
Happy homecoming to the ground!
I threw the rest of your frat too!
Welcome to the real world, jackass!
So many things to throw on the ground
Like this, and this, and that. And even this.
I’m an adult!
Two sorority phonys trying to give me their vote.
Ground! Nobody needs a homecoming! Phonys!
Then the two phonys got up. Turns out they had a taser.
And they tased me in the butt hole.
I fell to the ground.
The phonys didn’t let up.
Tasing on my butt hole, over and over.
I was screaming and squirming
My butt hole was on fire!
The moral of this story is: you can’t trust the system!
“Cheers erupted” at the headquarters of the conservative Weekly Standard, according to a blog post by a member of the magazine’s staff, with the headline “Obama loses! Obama loses!” Rush Limbaugh declared himself “gleeful.” “World Rejects Obama,” gloated the Drudge Report. And so on.
So what did we learn from this moment? For one thing, we learned that the modern conservative movement, which dominates the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old.
Cash for Clunkers moved a bunch of auto sales forward, causing people who thought they might replace their car in the next year or two to rush into the showrooms. Now, in the aftermath, sales are plummeting: 47% at GM, 44% at Chrysler, 8.9% at Ford, 16% at Toyota, 23% at Honda, 11% at Nissan. I hope those car companies used the cash infusion now, because they'll be on lean rations for months, even years.
Mr. Pauly has a very interesting sentence: "the above analysis shows, however, that the response of seeking more medical care with insurance than in its absence is a result not of moral perfidy, but of rational economic behavior." We may agree certainly that the seeking of more medical care with insurance is a rational action on the part of the individuals if no further constraints are imposed. It does not follow that no constraints ought to be imposed or indeed that in certain contexts individuals should not impose constraints on themselves. Mr Pauly's wording suggests that "rational economic behavior" and "moral perfidy" are mutually exclusive categories. No doubt Judas Iscariot turned a tidy profit from one of his transactions, but the usual judgment of his behavior is not necessarily wrong.
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