Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm at Durant!

I go to camp today, and will spend the vast majority of the next six weeks there. It's not as though I've been posting here with any real frequency lately, but I'll be completely dark for a while. I'm sure you will all survive.

Some quick thoughts on Summer stuff:

I really liked Obama's Egypt speech, but never got around to writing about it.

I'm really sorry to be missing a debate on what is quickly becoming my favorite political topic, Health Care. However, I have bought two books with opposing views on how to lower costs and do health care better. Should be a fun summer!

I have no idea on what the fallout of Iran's election will be. Either a) the people over there actually like Mahmoud or b) they are completely screwed. Obama is going to have a tough choice on how much he wants to mingle and how strongly he can react. Hopefully this will encourage a stronger opposition to Mahmoud from Russia et al.

It will be WONDERFUL to get out of the house. It's been a long month with not a ton to do since I haven't been working.

Read this. Emily Farnell is my favorite person ever.
Have fun kids.

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