Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Today was my first day waterskiing. My boat is a monster. The guy that gave it to the camp used to take it deep sea fishing. One of the kids is lying about his age. He has to be 9. maybe 11. No way he is 14. He won't shut up. or sit down. Another kid does not want to learn to water ski. I asked him if he was ready to start, and the way he said "sure" was so depressing that I wanted to cry. Our boat barely pulled me out of the water. It took me a while to adjust to a boat that isn't designed to pull a skier, but once I did, I was able to ski competently enough to be impressive, i think, especially if you haven't spent much time on a lake skiing. The other four kids are cool enough. I like my job.

Youtube "I'm at Durant" the second video will be a music video that I was involved in. The thumbnail is Matt Gardiner sitting on a golf cart. It is amazing. Watch it several times so that it gets several hits. Then more people will come to camp. Then, I might get a raise. Or a different boat. That would be awesome.

I don't have any idea what is going on in the world, other than Michael and Billy dying. Andrew Sullivan is not exclusively Iran any more. This is the first time I've been on a computer for more than 10 minutes in a week and a half. I think that the next great American to die will be either Brett Favre, Barack Obama, Oprah, or Apple Pie. That is the only way to get more American than those two. Maybe Sean Hannity. He is a great American.

I'm going to sleep, I think.

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