Sunday, May 17, 2009


I've tried to write an interesting reflection on second semester/being home about three times. It hasn't really worked.
So. Blah blah home thursday at 3 waffle house sat around hockey waffle house airport (GO CANES) Star Trek Sleep late Unpacking Camp June 14 good seeing home people miss school people miss freedom parents good but annoying I annoy them too blah blah blah.

Since this is stupid, I'll go ahead and post...

Something funny

Something interesting
As Obama moves to revive the stalled Middle East peace process, Monday's meeting has been widely predicted to be a tense affair, but that may be overstating the drama. Netanyahu, like any Israeli prime minister, has an overwhelming incentive to get along with Israel's single most important ally; Obama, for his part, needs to fashion a peace process that produces results, for which he requires Netanyahu's cooperation. So Monday's encounter won't be a showdown as much as the opening exchange of a difficult conversation that could continue for months.

And something in between

Newsweek: And the last movie you saw?
PBO: Now, movies I've been doing OK [with] because it turns out we got this nice theater on the ground floor of my house … So Star Trek, we saw this weekend, which I thought was good. Everybody was saying I was Spock, so I figured I should check it out and—[the president makes the Vulcan salute with his hand].

Most interesting part of all of this -- "the house." Is this guy actually a normal human being? Even if he's not, he's trying really, really hard. There's nothing resembling a messiah complex there from what I'm getting, unless I'm just not trying hard enough.

1 comment:

Chris said...

It's not a complex if you actually are the messiah.
