Sunday, May 10, 2009

Good read

I found this interesting.
it’s the same old stuff religious apologists have been croaking out since the days of Bertrand Russell — namely that because science is inadequate to explain the mysteries of existence, faith must be necessary. Life would be meaningless without religion, therefore we must have religion.

I actually heard him on ESPN talking to Bill Simmons earlier in the week, and he's a pretty interesting guy. I disagree with a number of his arguments, but still found them to be worth considering. I may try and respond later, but I still have seven chapters of Acts and about half of Hebrews to study before hockey.

I will give you an argument about logical arguments as a form of evangelism written by David Kinnaman in a book I'm reading right now, which I highly recommend.

Most people, by personality, are not logical thinkers and are not likely to change their beliefs because of elegant argumentation or apologetics. Of course, some outsiders are wired this way, and thoughtful responses are particularly important for articulating Christianity's remarkable ability to address all aspects of life. Culture is shaped by ideas and worldviews, so do not underestimate the proper role of good thinking, logic, and intellectual engagement. However, most people do not become Christians because of the overwhelming evidence.

I'll try and expand this later

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