Monday, May 4, 2009

"Economics... a tool to shape the kind of society we want to live in. It's not a straight jacket"

Prof. Nick Tideman

I've really come to this view lately, but my Public Finance professor articulated it extremely well. I think Americans and especially the GOP would do quite well to come around to this way of thinking as well, rather than constantly pushing growth at all costs. Wealth is certainly desirable, but so are a lot of other things. When we are Richer, we have more freedom, more power, and more opportunities, all things that are excellent if used responsibly. However, If we are not making money ethically or as a society boxing people out of productivity, then we might want to take a second look at that action. Does that make me a Marxist? Hell if I know. I don't really care that much. More Americans have heard of him than Smith and Keynes combined.

1 comment:

Alison said...

I've been thinking about this lately, too. I'm sure that my belief in the capitalist system can coexist with, say, fair trade. I hope at least.