Friday, November 14, 2008

Too anyone who considers them self to be my friend: if you ever observe me getting so worked up over sports that the outcome of a game dramatically affects my mood for longer than appropriate*, please smack me.

* The following lengths of time should be considered appropriate:
Regular Season, general opponent: 10 minutes (1 hour if it is a last minute victory)
Rivalry Game: 2 hours (1 week if I am in the presence of a fan of the loser. i.e. I get a week to make fun of Grant after Michigan starts beating State again next year) if preferred team wins, 20 minutes if preferred team loses.
Play offs/Bowl Game: 2 hours (win), 20 minutes (lose)
National Championship, Superbowl, Stanley Cup, etc: 48 hours if preferred team wins, 25 minutes (lose).

Note: This is only for games involving mortals. If Brett Favre ever wins another Superbowl, I will cry. And you won't make fun of me (too much).

1 comment:

marie said...

Where do these time frames come from? And since when have you ever relished over the loss of a championship game for a mere 20 minutes?!?!?

additionally...your first sentence should read:

TO anyone who considers him/herself my friend:

anyone is singular, therefore you can't use "they"
if you're gonna succeed, you'd better fix your language, buddy.