Please copy the following message or one of your own and forward it to your representative and voice your concern for the Bailout. Taxpayers cannot afford to take care of every industry that is inefficient and dying.
I write to recommend that you oppose the auto bailout currently in Congress. Giving $25 Billion to failing companies, regardless of their size, who have no intention to make changes to their business structure, is far riskier than the reward. Proponents of the legislation point to the success the Chrysler bailout in 1979. However, that bailout occurred alongside significant restructuring. No requirements for major changes in the way that GM, Ford, and Chrysler operate have been given in the current plan. Forcing the Big 3 to enter bankruptcy, consolidate franchises, and restructure Union Contracts will give them the opportunity to return to viability. Not forcing these changes to occur will hurt the American economy and taxpayers far worse than the loss of these companies.I really don't think we can afford to let this thing pass. Take action!
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