Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Neil Cavuto has found a 9 year old Teabagger, and has actually asked the kid why he is there. WTF?

The really scary thing is that the guy didn't sound any less clueless than the "adults" who showed up. I use the term adult loosely.

This gets to the basic issue with the whole Tea Party movement. It’s a group of fucknuts joining other groups of marginally related fucknuts to protest something or other, in a hugely fucknutty way. The point of the Tea Party movement, besides the largest thrusting of testicles to America’s collective face since the Soviets launched Sputnik, is to protest...well, basically the entire functioning of the government with no alternative plan or goal whatsoever. The stated purpose of the protests is “protest against out of control government spending”, which, while something, is also terribly and uselessly vague. It’s easy to lump in the gun nut survivalists and the Paulies and any number of other wackos because a mission to do stuff (and things!) tends to welcome in anyone who has similar feelings about the top-level definition of “stuff”. When you have a bunch of angry people welcoming a bunch of other angry people with no core principles or mission, it’s hard to get pissy when you all of a sudden find yourself standing beside Clem the White Supremacist Marksman with your “NO PORKULUS” sign.

Wow. I'm turning into an angry liberal. This is terrifying.
Still, not as terrifying as seeing Michelle Malkin and Glen Beck on TV at the same time.

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