Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thoreau paper

So, on Thursday, my english teacher assigned our first major paper. He'd told us that it would be coming for a while, but for some reason didn't give us the prompt until Thursday. The rough draft is due this Tuesday with the final due Thursday. This paper is like 30% of the grade for the semester. Having four days to write a paper normally wouldn't be that big of a deal except that Matt was planning to come and visit this weekend, and it became an even bigger annoyance when the copious snow extended his visit by at least one day.

So, I'm sitting in Deet's writing this paper. Matt, who is on spring break has little more to do than look at pictures on Reddit, and show me the more amusing ones he comes across (my new facebook profile picture is probably tops).

I really really really like Walden, as probably anyone who reads this knows. In writing the paper, I came across the following idea which I think has a lot of merit and was worthy of a blog post:
"When one man has reduced an idea of the imagination to be a fact of his understanding, I foresee that all men will at length establish their lives on that basis"
Essentially, no the difference between truth and speculation, and never stop questioning everyone.

Also noteworthy, I found Rush Limbaugh's speech at CPAC infuriating. It was almost as hilariously infuriating as the number of close games that Tech Basketball has lost this season.


Chris said...

Please, Please, Michael LaHaye, in your paper for 30% of your grade, do not confuse "no" and "know."

Mike said...

Wow I fail. Way to call me out.

Matt was probably distracting me.