Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How many times must the cannonballs fly before they're forever banned

I spend a lot of time in Deet's. Aside from my room, it's probably my most frequented location. The coffee is familiar; it probably isn't the world's best. In fact I often won't finish it if it isn't burning my tongue. The other goodies are good enough. Bagels, cookies, and muffins are tough to mess up.
The couches in the back are wonderfully comfortable. Nothing superiorly luxurious, but like the coffee, familiar. They're wonderfully positioned to people watch: girls gossiping, a guy studying, a couple "studying". With my computer or books out, I'm inconspicuously present.
I fall in love about every time I come here, usually with a pretty blonde. I thought it would be the one studying next to me tonight, but she hasn't looked up once. Instead, it's the one sitting in the other set of couches gossiping. Blone hair, blue eyes, nice smile, pink polkadotted rain boots. I'm in maroon sweatpants, hoodie (hood up), chacos, and earbuds. I'm probably not her type. She probably wouldn't be mine either, but I don't think I have one. Well, I like all the cute blondes in Deet's, as long as they look up occasionally.
Don't Think Twice, It's Alright just came on. I really like the Live at Newport 1966 version, but this is the studio album. It's good too. I know you're not supposed to use this word with Dylan, but his voice sounds sweet. He's merciful. "You coulda done better but, I don't mind." I just realized what this song was. I thought it was him trying to pick a girl up, but it's a no-hurt-feelings breakup.
I don't think I've ever been more (something) than the time I was sitting in Deet's drinking fairtrade organic coffee, listening to Dylan, (either blood on the tracks or Highway 61 Revisited), and reading Walden. It was winter, so I was probably wearing shoes. TOo bad I wasn't wearing Chacos. I also probably should have been under a tree, and not inside. Live music would be better too. Oh well.
I think love du jour has noticed my periodic gloancing at her. Too bad. She's very cute. If only she was alone and I was good at talking to girls.
Oddly, Deet's has filled up between 10 and 11. A few big groups of friends. THe rain has died down.
A girl is starting to take trash out. I think they're going to close early tonight.
I wonder what will happen when a nuke goes off on U.S. soil. Obama will be cool, I think. If Palin is president, she'd probably run back to Alaska, or wonder she was left behind (I joke). I hope that cute blonde girl is ok. And Bob Dylan.
I wonder if Blonde girl likes Bob Dylan.
Thoreau probably wouldn't mind if there was a nuke. What's important that Washington has to say to Tehran, anyway? Or maybe he'd stop paying taxes and go to jail.
I wonder if the Pharisees made jokes about Jesus the way we make jokes about our prophets. If he came today, we'd probably find him very amusing.
Who are our prophets? Bono? People like him too much. Probably the comedians. Stewart, Myers, Groening.
I like Obama. That quip to Ed Williams was legendary. I wonder if he thought before he made that Special Olympics joke. Maybe he planned it. He might think it would humanize him. I don't know if he's that smart or that dumb.
Bob Dylan is singing "I shall be free," but I'm not because Deet's is closing. Fortunately, my coffee, my album, and my location are all dwindling/ending/closing at the same time.
Time for bed, I guess. The need decaf fairtrade coffee at Deet's.
I hope that the next girl I fall in love with at Deet's is as cute as tonights.


marie said...

you're weird.
i also think some thoughts are better left inside your head; however, that was pretty good. nice take on stream of consciousness...

Anonymous said...

nice stream of consciousness, i see what you mean about falling in love at deets now

Alison said...

I miss you. If you write a story or something, do that. Write what you know, right?