Monday, February 23, 2009

darkness on the edge of town

I spent the last 42 minutes and 55 seconds primarily lying on the floor with no shirt on, all the lights off, and Bruce Springsteen blasting. It was quite wonderful. I think I'm going to do it more often.

Darkness on the Edge of Town is a "4 corners album" meaning that both sides of the album would start loud and upbeat and stick-i- to-the-manish and descend into a mournfulish ballad. It's a great way to make a feeling stick with the listener for a longtime. Darkness is a much more desperate album than Born to Run. Born to Run was absolutely Springsteen's last chance to make it big, and so I think he had to do what producers wanted a little bit. There is absolutely desperation in a song like "backstreets", but not like he has in "Badlands" or "Racing in the Street." In Darkness, you feel like Bruce is really struggling to be who he wants to be, like he's trying to define himself. "Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king, and the king ain't satisfied till he rules everything. Let's go out tonight, find out what i've got.

I don't really know what if I'm concluding anything here other than that I want to spend more time lying on the floor listening to loud music with the lights off. At home, I'd occasionally take another lap around maynard before going home, keeping the music up and thinking about little more than not getting in an accident. A good amount of time doing nothing constructive, losing ourselves, is imporant. It helps me reflect so that i can better understand myself, and i think understanding what's inward is important for working with the outward.

Possibly the least put together blog post eva. (yes, eva). I didn't really say anything other than that i should spend more time listening to bruce springsteen with my shirt off. sorry, but that's all I have right now.


marie said...

you're a freak. somethings are better left to yourself when the happen in the dark with the door shut.

Mike said...

my pants stayed on through the entirety of darkness on the edge of town