Saturday, January 31, 2009


I'm on a four movie winning streak-- Doubt, Milk, Gran Torino, and Slumdog. I think Frost Nixon is possibly next. Anyone want to go?

In other news, my sister is working to get me to listen to music made this millenium. If you want an excellent Pandora station, try You and I by Ingrid Michaelson, You Don't Know me by Ben Folds and Regina Spektor, Oxford Comma by Vampire Weekend, and Damnit Anna by the Morning Benders.

Life as a nonengineer is wonderful. I am looking forward to going to four out of five classes, with the only exception being Statistics where we're currently on scatterplots.

Steelers 26 Cardinals 17

1 comment:

marie said...

woop woop. blog shout out!

i loooooove that station. i can't stop listening to it.