Friday, July 31, 2009

New Layout

I'd love to move this thing before the summer ends (about two weeks). Whether or not that happens, who knows.


Orwell would have loved this

Amazon angered customers and drew severe criticism from consumer advocates when it deleted 1984 and Orwell's other well-known book Animal Farm in mid-July from Kindle e-book readers without notifying their owners.

The issue was a matter of property rights and not censorship, but still, you have to appreciate the irony.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sullivan On Health Care

He says

Everyone gets treatment in emergencies and the uninsured get treatment the rest of us pay for in higher premiums. So the basic point remains: does this form of socialized medicine make more sense than socialized medicine which brings everyone into the system, and tries to find ways to lower costs? Which socialism do you want? As usual, the Reoublicans want big insolvent government, and the Democrats want big solvent government. Given that that's the actual choice (if not the rhetoric), I'm more inclined to listen to the Dems. Warily, of course. But the Republicans are a joke.

This is pretty much where I am. I'm not terribly keen on big solvent government, but that's the only option. Health care is not a priority for Republicans, and I don't trust them to get anything done in the next ten years, at least. The choice is going to be a yes or no to what Obama,Pelosi, and Reid come up with, so I'd probably take it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I like this

Peace is achieved by being peaceful, no matter what the military-industrial complex claims to the contrary.
-Deepak Chopra, whoever he is.

Monday, July 13, 2009


When Waxman-Markey finally hit the floor, there was no actual bill. Not one single copy of the full legislation that would, hours later, be subject to a final vote was available to members of the House. The text made available to some members of Congress still had ‘placeholders’ - blank provisions to be filled in by subsequent language.

Cap and Trade is awful.